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Magnet Information and Application

Directions for Completing an Application for a Magnet Program for School Year 2025-26.


Magnet School: A school with a specialized area of study, application and geographic requirements. Magnet Schools are not considered neighborhood schools and require an application. Families can apply to these schools using the  Apply Midland application system.

2025-2026 Magnet Programs

Bowie Fine Arts Academy and Pease Communications & Technology Academy


Parents of students who currently attend a magnet program must complete the intent to return process in the Apply Midland system by January 26, 2025 in order to secure a place for the 2025-2026 school year.



Visit the to submit an application to magnet schools for the 2025-2026 school year. 

Magnet Application Timeline for 2025-2026

Round 1: November 11 - November 22

Round 1: Lottery & Notification

  • December 16 - December 20


Round 2: March 17 - March 28

Round 2: Notification

  • April 7 - April 11

Magnet Lottery Processes

  • The lottery processes applications by school, Magnet area (A,B, or C), and grade level
  • Applicants receive 
    • A priority (but not a guarantee) based on any staff or sibling preferences and
    • A random lottery number
  • Applicants are sorted within each priority group by their random lottery number.
  • Through this lottery process, applicants will receive offers.
  • Applicants who do not receive an offer are placed on the waitlist in order based on their priority and random lottery number.
  • Waitlists are maintained for each school, Magnet area, and grade combination.
  • During the lottery, if a student receives an offer and has a sibling who also applied, that sibling receives a boosted priority. (The sibling is not guaranteed a seat, but does get priority on the waitlist.)

Magnet Waitlists

  • The waitlist process includes the following steps: 
  • Waitlists are created, by school, by section  and grade level, for students who do not receive admission in the lottery.  
  • If spaces become available, placement of students on the waitlist gives  priority to siblings of students already enrolled, accepted and attending the Magnet School program.  
  • Available seats are filled from the waitlist until the end of October. 

Magnet Schools Bilingual or ESL programs

  • A lottery will be conducted for students who receive services the Bilingual/ESL program.  The lottery process for the bilingual Magnet School campus will follow the same criteria. 
  • Please note that Bilingual and ESL classes might not be offered at every school, but it is offered at locations throughout the district.  Bilingual /English as a Second Language (ESL) services will be offered on at least one Magnet School campus.