Bullying occurs when a student or group of students engage in written or verbal expression, expression through electronic means, or physical conduct that occurs on school property, at a school-sponsored or school-related activity, or in a vehicle operated by the District and that:
- Physically harms, damages a student’s property, or places a student in reasonable fear of harm;
- it is severe, persistent, or pervasive enough that the action or threat creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student;
- substantially disrupts the operation of a classroom, school, or school-sponsored event; or
- infringes on the rights of the student.
The action or threat must:
Exploit an imbalance of power between the aggressor and the targeted student through written or verbal expression, expression through electronic means or physical conduct and at least one of the four clarifiers in the definition above.
If the action or threat is through an electronic means and it occurred off of school property or outside of a school-sponsored/related event, it must:
- Exploits an imbalance of power between the aggressor and the targeted student through written or verbal expression, expression through electronic means or physical conduct and
- Substantially disrupt the operation of a classroom, school, or school-sponsored event; or infringe on the rights of the targeted student.
If you think your child may have been bullied, the following checklist can help you determine if it should be reported to the school. All items must be answered “yes” to be considered bullying. However, if you are concerned about your child’s physical or psychological safety, be sure to promptly contact campus administration.
Bullying Checklist
Procedures for Reporting Allegations of Bullying
The District prohibits bullying on school property, at school-sponsored or school-related activities, or in any vehicle operated by the District. Bullying may include verbal or written expressions, expression through electronic means, or physical conduct. Bullying is not tolerated by the District, and any student or parent of a student who believes that the student or another student has experienced bullying or that a student has engaged in bullying is encouraged to immediately report the incident. Retaliation against anyone involved in the reporting process is a violation of District policy and is prohibited.
Students or parents may report an alleged incident of bullying, orally or in writing, to a teacher, school counselor, principal, or other District employee.
Bullying Report Form
Please note that after submission of the complaint to the District employee, the District may assign the report to a campus administrator to follow up on the submitted report and any other important matters pertaining to the report. We encourage you to communicate with your designated campus administrator during this time.
More information about the District’s bullying policy can be found at Midland ISD Board Policy Manual - FFI or in the campus administration office. Information on the District’s harassment policy can be found at Midland ISD Board Policy Manual - FFH.
- Physically harms, damages a student’s property, or places a student in reasonable fear of harm;
- it is severe, persistent, or pervasive enough that the action or threat creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student;
- substantially disrupts the operation of a classroom, school, or school-sponsored event; or
- infringes on the rights of the student.
- Exploits an imbalance of power between the aggressor and the targeted student through written or verbal expression, expression through electronic means or physical conduct and
- Substantially disrupt the operation of a classroom, school, or school-sponsored event; or infringe on the rights of the targeted student.
MISD believes that a safe and civil environment is necessary for students to learn and attain high academic standards, as well as to promote healthy relationships. We believe bullying, intimidation, violence, and other disruptive behavior are detrimental to the establishment of a safe and civil learning environment. MISD prohibits bullying, including cyber bullying, as defined by state law.
If you feel your child is experiencing bullying, it is important to make a report as soon as possible after the alleged act or knowledge of the alleged act. Reports can be made to the teacher, school counselor, principal or other campus employee. Reports can also be made online via Anonymous Alerts.
Students and parents can download the Anonymous Alerts app to any Smartphone. Look for the RED Anonymous Alerts logo when searching apps.
Interested in learning more about bullying?
Is it Rude? Is it Mean? Is it Bullying, Edie White. Katy ISD
Here are some helpful sites: