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Student Services

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Student Services

The Student Services Department provides assistance with:

For information about school choices including neighborhood schools, magnet school, or schools of choice, please visit Apply Midland School Finder

Parents wishing to apply for schools of choice, magnet schools or to request a transfer can visit Apply Midland.  For assistance with the School Finder or the Application, please contact Student Services, 432-240-1523.  

Students experiencing homelessness or students who may be considered unaccompanied can get information on services that may be provided under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act. We have information on services provided to students who attend campuses that receive funds under Title I as well.

The Student Services department can be contacted for questions regarding the Student Parent Handbook or the Student Code of Conduct as well as provide information and assistance relating to the laws, rules, and polices for compulsory school attendance.

 Si quiere más información o una traducción de cualquier parte de esta publicación, favor de llamar al 240-1520.

All services will be handled through email or phone calls. No visitors or appointments for in person visits are being accepted at this time.  Please email or call 432-240-1520 for assistance.


Melissa Horner
Executive Director of Student Services

Melissa Herrera

Student Services Office
615 W. Missouri Ave.
Midland, Texas 79701