Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How was Right At School selected?
A: As part of the district's Midland on the Move and Listen & Learn public engagement initiatives, Midland ISD has held a series of community meetings to better understand the needs of our parents and students. The need for quality, enriched programs outside of the normal school day, homework assistance, extracurricular activities among other things were frequently mentioned. Additionally, this past legislative session a new law was passed regarding before and after-school programs, Texas Education Code section 33.9031. To ensure the best programming for our students and compliance with state law, the district moved forward with issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP). Several local, state and national childcare organizations participated. The nationally recognized student enrichment provider, Right At School, was recommended by administration to the School Board of Trustees and approved on Monday, March 26th. For the first time, all 27 elementary campuses will have care provided before and after-school, as well as during holiday breaks and professional days when students do not have school.
Q: How do I register my child for Right At School?
A: Register today by clicking the link: https://rightatschool.
Q: How do we learn more about the Right At School program?
A: Learn more about Right At School at their website: https://
Q: How much will the program cost?
A: Families will be able to choose if they want to participate in the before-school program, after-school program or both; as well as other options. There are also discounts based on number of siblings in the program and income. Click here to see pricing options.
Q: What does a typical Right At School schedule look like for students?
A: Click this link to learn more about a typical schedule: https://
Q: Will there be school bus transportation provided to the Right At School program?
A: No. The before and after-school program is provided as a supplemental service to families who choose to use it. The district will not provide school bus transportation.
Q: Does Right At School offer programs on supplemental days, professional days, early release, etc.?
A: Yes, Right At School offers programs on days when staff report to school but students do not.
Q: Does Right At School offer programs during winter break?
A: Yes, Right At School offers winter break programs.
Q: Will Right At School be open if schools are closed due to snow or inclement weather?
A: No. Because the district deems it unsafe for students, families to walk, drive to school due to bad weather, Right At School will also not be open on those days.
Q: Will Right At School offer summer programs?
A: Yes, Right At School offers summer programs.
Q: Will Right At School offer programs for my child with special needs?
A: Yes, Right At School accepts children in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and all other relevant federal, state and local laws.
Q: Is there a waitlist for Right At School?
A: Right At School does not have a maximum attendance at each site. They staff according to student enrollment at each individual elementary school site.
Q: Can I speak to someone directly?
A: Families can speak directly to Right At School personnel anytime by calling 855-AT-SCHOOL (855-287-2466) from 8:30 am – 5:30 pm (Central Standard Time). During program hours, parents will be able to call their child’s Right At School Site Manager on a dedicated phone that each Site Manager carries.