Credit by Exam With Prior Instruction (CBE/WPI)
Credit by Examination With Prior Instruction (CBE/WPI)
Credit by Examination/With Prior Instruction (CBE/WPI) provides a student who has prior instruction in a course to use credit by examination for earning credit for that course/subject. With the recommendation of the campus principal, a student may use credit by examination to demonstrate mastery in any subject in elementary grades or to earn credit in any academic course at the secondary level. Eligibility is also determined on the basis of a review of the student's educational records.
On recommendation of the campus attendance committee, a student who has excessive absences may be permitted to earn or regain course credit through credit by examination.
Credit by examination shall not be used to gain eligibility for participation in extracurricular activities.
To receive a credit, a student shall earn a grade of 70 or above on the examination. If such credit is given the district shall enter the examination score on the student's transcript. No weighted grades will be given. THE COURSE/GRADE WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE STUDENT'S GPA (GRADE POINT AVERAGE) AS STANDARD GRADE POINTS.
Students have multiple opportunities to receive credit in regular classes, at no financial cost. There are also opportunities through summer school, evening school and credit by exam, all of which require a fee. The student will pay this fee. This fee is non refundable, even if the student does not take the test.
Click below for Guidelines and Procedures and for CBE application:
Guidelines and Procedures for CBE/WPI
CBE Application
For the 2021-2022 school year Credit By Exam testing dates are below:
For first semester: September 20 - September 24, 2021 and November 8 - November 12, 2021
For second semester: January 10 - January 14, 2022 and April 18 - April 22, 2022
The campus has the discretion to set alternative testing dates as needed to accommodate students on a case by case basis.