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Credit by Exam for Accelerated Placement Without Prior Instruction (CBE/WOPI)

Credit by Examination for Accelerated Placement - Without Prior Instructions (CBE/WOPI)


(CBE/WOPI) provides for grade level acceleration and course credit for students who are enrolled in the district and have no prior formal instruction in the grade level or course. According to TEC § 28.023 (c), the passing standard is a grade of 80 percent or above. According to TAC § 74.24 (2), the District shall not charge for examinations for acceleration. The fee will be borne by the campus CBE funds. If a parent requests an alternative examination, the district may administer and recognize results of a test purchased by the parent or student from the University of Texas at Austin.

Elementary students must meet the state law age requirement to attend kindergarten by being five years old on or before September 1st and first grade by being six years old on or before the first day of school. TEC §42.003.

Students in Kindergarten - Grade 5 shall accelerate if the student meets the following requirements:

  1. The student scores 80 percent or above on a credit by examination for the grade level to be skipped in each of the following areas: language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies; and
  2. A district representative recommends that the student be accelerated; and
  3. The student's parent or guardian gives written approval of the acceleration.

The district uses the credit by examinations purchased from Texas Tech University.

In grades 6-12, the district shall give a student credit for an academic subject in which the student has received no prior instruction if the student scores 80 percent or above on a credit by examination for the applicable course. If such credit is given, the district shall enter the examination score on the student's transcript. No grade will be recorded if the student does not accelerate. No weighted grades will be given. THE COURSE/GRADE WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE STUDENT'S GPA (GRADE POINT AVERAGE) AS STANDARD GRADE POINTS.

Click below for Guidelines and Procedures for CBE/WOPI and also for application:

Guidelines and Procedures for CBE/WOPI
CBE Application

For the 2020-2021 school year Credit By Exam testing dates are below:

For first semester: September 16 - September 18, 2020 and November 9- November 12, 2020
For second semester: January 13- January 15, 2021 and April 14 -April 16, 2021

The campus has the discretion to set alternative testing dates as needed to accommodate students on a case by case basis.