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College Admissions Tests

College Admission Tests


SAT or ACT? Which test should I take?

While most colleges and universities accept both SAT and ACT, there are still some schools that require or recommend one or the other. Careully check the SAT/ACT requirements of the school that you are interested in attending. And before you decide which test(s) to take, consult your high school counselor.

Click on the links at the bottom of this page for more information on the SAT and ACT test.



Developed by the United States Army, March2Success is an on-line test preparation, self-paced course, that can improve your performance on standardized test by improving your math, science and English skills.

  • March2Success is free. There is no obligation. If you choose to be contacted by a recruiter you may accomplish that during registration.
  • March2Success is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
  • March2Success can help you prepare for the future. Whether you are:
    • taking assessment examinations
    • taking college entrance examinations
    • taking a trade school entrance test
    • applying for a job or
    • taking a military entrance test


Click here to register and see a demonstration course for March2Success