District Parent Policy
Midland Independent School District
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
ESSA Section 1116
Midland Independent School District Goals for Parent Engagement:
- Parent Engagement Programs: MISD will establish programs, activities, and procedures to engage parents in all its schools, developed in consultation with parents of participating children.
- Partnerships with Campuses: MISD will work closely with its campuses to foster relationships between parents and the schools, focusing on students' success in the campus environment.
- Inclusive Participation: MISD and its schools will ensure full participation opportunities for parents of children with limited English proficiency, disabilities, and migratory children. Information and reports will be provided in a clear and consistent format, including alternative formats and languages as needed.
- Title I Fund Allocation: MISD will involve parents of children in Title I schools in decisions regarding the allocation of one percent of Title I funds reserved for parent and family engagement, ensuring that at least 95 percent of these funds go directly to the schools.
- Definition of Parent and Family Engagement: MISD adheres to the statutory definition of parent and family engagement, expecting its schools to facilitate:
- Parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning.
- Parents being actively involved in their child’s education at school.
- Parents as full partners in their child’s education, included in decision-making and advisory committees.
(ESSA Section 1116 (a)(2))
Statement of Purpose:
Midland Independent School District is committed to providing a quality education for every student. Aligning with the district mission, "All students will graduate prepared and ready for college or career, MISD will foster partnerships with parents, families, students, and community stakeholders. The district will involve parents and families in all aspects of local, state, and federal programs offered in its schools.
(ESSA Section 1116 (a)(2)(A)
Parent/Family Involvement in Developing the Policy:
MISD will provide the following support to schools for effective parent and family involvement activities:
- District-level campus support for advisory roles.
- Meetings with parents, families, community members, and campus personnel to gather feedback on plans, policies, and budget allocations.
- Conveniently scheduled meetings for comprehensive policy, budget, and program reviews.
- Annual feedback solicitation via surveys on the website, social media, and parent organizations.
Annual Meetings for Title I Parents:
MISD uses Title I funds for school-wide services in Title I campuses. These campuses will hold at least two annual meetings to review Title I guidelines and services. Current Parent & Family Engagement Policies/Compacts will be distributed in English and Spanish. Meetings will be conveniently scheduled, with notices provided through public announcements and school flyers. Translators will be available, and regular meetings will be offered for parents to formulate suggestions and participate in decisions regarding their children's education.
Matching Parent Engagement Programs to Community Needs:
MISD will build capacity for strong parent and family engagement by:
- Helping parents understand academic standards, assessments, Title I requirements, monitoring progress, and collaborating with educators.
- Coordinating and integrating engagement strategies with other programs, including Preschool, Special Education, Gifted Education, Career and Technology, Bilingual/ESL, Family Literacy, and English Language classes.
(ESSA Section 1116 (a)(2)(B)
Requirements for Title I Schools:
Title I schools must:
- Provide parent-teacher conferences to review student progress and school policies/compacts.
- Distribute progress reports according to grading periods, with documentation of distribution methods.
- Assist parents in understanding state academic standards and assessments, providing information in accessible formats and languages.
(ESSA Section 1116 (e)(1))
Staff/Parent Communications:
MISD will train teachers, pupil services personnel, principals, and other staff to effectively communicate and collaborate with parents as equal partners. The Communications and Technology departments will support these efforts through various communication methods, including social media and software programs.
(ESSA Section 1116 (e)(2)) and (ESSA Section 1116 (e)(5)
MISD will annually evaluate, with parental involvement, the content and effectiveness of its parental involvement policy. The evaluation will identify barriers to participation, especially for economically disadvantaged, disabled, limited English proficient, low-literacy, and minority parents. The findings will inform strategies for more effective parental involvement, and policies will be revised as necessary with parental input.
(ESSA Section 1118 (a)(2)(C) and (e)(4))
(ESSA Section 1116 (e)(14)
Si necesita que este documento sea traducido, por favor comuníquese con Mackenzie Weatherford al 432-240- 1905 o mackenzie.weatherford@midlandisd.net