Walk for Success
While high school graduation rates are on the rise, dropping out of school persists as a problem that interferes with educational attainment. On average, one student drops out of school every nine seconds in the United States due to a variety of negative factors impacting students, families, and communities.
To keep students in school and to help them achieve, the Midland Independent School District has established major strategies for prevention, intervention, and recovery efforts. These include ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for students to obtain excellence in teaching and access to mentors, credit recovery programs, and the benefits of collaborative efforts.
Our goal is to increase the district’s graduation rate and reduce dropout rates. In an effort toward reaching our goal, MISD will host it's annual Walk for Success at 9:00 am on September 14, 2024. Teams of volunteers will visit the homes of students who did not return to school in the fall to personally encourage them to continue their education and share with them the many programs MISD offers to help them graduate.
Interested community volunteers will be teamed up with campus personnel to conduct home visits. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Amber Day, Dropout Prevention and Intervention Coordinator, at 432-240-1301 or amber.day@midlandisd.net.