Dropout Prevention
Dropout Prevention
Brighter Futures Start With You!
Whether you’re an educator, student, parent, or community member, MISD’s Dropout Prevention department is here to support you as we work to ensure that ALL students graduate prepared and ready for college or career.
Whether you’re an educator, student, parent, or community member, MISD’s Dropout Prevention department is here to support you as we work to ensure that ALL students graduate prepared and ready for college or career.
At the heart of becoming a successful adult is a high school diploma and an education that provides ample opportunities for children and youth to develop the skills needed to grow and mature into contributing, confident and happy adults in the community. While high school graduation rates are on the rise, dropping out of school persists as a problem that interferes with educational attainment. On average, one student drops out of school every nine seconds in the United States due to a variety of negative factors impacting students, families, and communities.
To keep students in school and to help them achieve, the Midland Independent School District has established major strategies for prevention, intervention, and recovery efforts. These include ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for students to obtain excellence in teaching and access to mentors, credit recovery programs, and the benefits of collaboration and the pursuit of positive outcomes for all of our students.
Dropout Prevention and Intervention Coordinator
Student Services Office 403-F
615 W. Missouri Ave.
Midland, Texas 79701 leaver@midlandisd.net