The meeting opened with pledges of allegiance led by Fasken Elementary students, Audrey Cruz and Jackson Ware.
The board heard an update on project progress that included information on the new elementary school and high schools, elementary and middle school renovations, safety and security, the Midland Freshman campus site improvements, and Packages 08 and 09.
Package 01 - Lone Star Trails Elementary:
The construction of Lone Star Trails Elementary is progressing steadily, with 32% of the project completed. The school is on schedule to open in August 2025. Key updates included:
- Drywall is progressing in the classroom areas
- Steel erection is now 65% complete
- Masonry walls around the gym are completed
- Slab poured on the second floor
- Metal stair framing installed
- Furniture selection underway
Package 02 - Two New High School Campuses:
New Legacy High School
The design development is complete and the construction documentation phase has started. The Avalon Drive and Thomason Drive design and coordination is in progress. The school is on schedule to open August 2028.
New Midland High School:
The design development is complete, and the construction documentation phase has started. The school is on schedule to open August 2028.
- Asbestos removal completed in December 2024
- Building demolition is 50% complete and expected to be completed end of January
- Tree Salvage/relocation is underway and has resulted in the saving of 250 trees that are existing on the property. These trees will be cared for throughout the construction on-site and will be used for both the Midland High and Legacy High campuses.
- Design development is complete
- The Wadley Avenue expansion design is in progress
Package 03 - Elementary School Reno Group A:
The scope to budget/schematic design phase is 95% complete for Emerson, General Franks, Sam Houston, Lamar, Long, Parker, South, and IDEA Travis.
Package 04 - Middle School Reno Group A:
Goddard Middle School
The Construction Document phase is 50% complete and scheduled for completion March 2025. The construction schedule has not been scheduled.
Midland Middle School (Midland Middle School is a placeholder name for the existing Midland Freshman campus that will become the 5th middle school in the district.)
The construction document phase is 50% complete and scheduled for completion in March 2025.
Package 05 - Middle School Reno Group B:
The design development phase for Alamo Junior High is 75% complete.
Package 06 - Elementary School Safety:
The construction for the elementary school safety enhancements is 95% complete and is on track for completion February 2025.
The camera installation and door access control is complete. The doors arrived and are being installed. The new secure vestibule storefronts arrived this week.
Radio Repeaters - Elementary School Safety & Security
The construction for the radio repeaters and centralized receivers for districtwide communication will begin February 2025. The project is expected to be completed in April 2025.
- 90% equipment in warehouse
- FCC licensing underway
- Tower with dual antennas to be installed next week before the campus repeaters
- Testing to be completed by March/April 2025
Package 07 - Midland Freshman Site Improvements:
The construction and track installation at Midland Freshman has been completed. Finalization of the lighting wiring is currently pending. The punch list walkthrough took place January 20, and those items will be finalized by the end of January. The project is 98% complete.
Package 08 - Elementary School Renovations Group B:
MWM Architects was selected in September 2024 for the projects of Santa Rita, Bush, Scharbauer, and De Zavala elementary schools. The schematic design is about 25% complete, and the design schedule is in progress. The construction schedule will be determined after the design schedule is finalized.
Package 09- Middle School Renovations Group C:
JSA Architects was selected in November 2024 for the projects of San Jacinto and Abell middle schools. Initial site surveys are currently in progress. The design schedule is in progress, and the construction schedule will be determined after the design schedule is finalized.
The Midland Education Foundation presented its annual report. Historically, the Midland Education Foundation has made an impact of $37,786,176 to the district. The Education Foundation awarded 33 innovative grants to 15 campuses for a total of $141,086 in classroom grants for teachers. These grants impacted 11,962 students.
The Grants for Great Minds program, which provides scholarships for teachers looking to pursue higher education, totaled $46,000 and impacted 92 MISD staff.
Micro Grants were awarded totaling $83,000 and impacted 107 classrooms, 20 campuses, and 19,795 students.
The Education Foundation reported on the Shining Stars breakfast that recognizes the Top Ten students from Legacy and Midland high schools and the Top Student from Early College and Coleman High Schools.
The Teacher Winter Wishes Spectacular provides teachers with a mid-year refresh of school supplies. This year, 1,307 teachers attended the event, and 13,000 supplies were distributed. A total of 1,533 prizes were awarded.
The AP Teacher Score Incentive, which awards teachers whose students achieve a 4 or 5 on their AP Test, totaled $82,250 and impacted 48 MISD AP teachers.
The Designated Scholarships provided scholarships for MISD students continuing higher education, 48 scholarships totaling $105,000, and impacted 48 MISD students.
Lastly, the Foundation reported on the Partners in Education initiative where 293 local organizations, including companies, nonprofits, faith partners, and other civic groups, have supported MISD. PIE grants are available for MISD administrators, and through the Adopt A Campus model, six campuses have been adopted to date.
Donations received in 2024 totaled $2.2 million.
Looking ahead, the Foundation aims to introduce the Serve for Success Pickleball Tournament in April, continue the AP Score Incentive for teachers, and continue to grow Partners in Education campus support and PIE grants.
The Midland ISD Council of PTAs provided a report on the current state of all 36 Midland ISD PTAs and its goals. The Council reported that it surpassed its annual goal of 6,000 members in December 2024. As of January 15, MCPTA reports district membership to be at 6,057. Notable campus increases include a year-over-year increase of 414% at Scharbauer Elementary, a 274% increase at Bonham Elementary, and a 170% increase at Jane Long Elementary. MCPTA was recognized as one of the top five councils in the state. An overview of membership goals was given along with membership numbers dating back to 2013. Parents and staff are invited to become a part of this important work by visiting
The district provided the quarterly Strategic Plan report including updates on three initiative updates and communication regarding progress towards targets of the goals.
Goal 1, Initiative 1.1 which focuses on enhancing academic excellence for all students. In Fall 2024, MISD tested more students on the PSAT/NMSQT and plans to further increase participation, supported by counselor training and advanced academics initiatives, resulting in gains in College Board Assessments, AP Scholars, and Dual Credit achievements.
Goal 4 emphasizes creating supportive environments, with Initiative 4.1 improving discipline strategies. Efforts such as MTSS-B, i-Lead, increased police presence, a no-cellphone policy, and progressive discipline practices have led to a significant decrease in campus disruptions and fights, even with increased enrollment.
From the Grow and Develop Staff pillar, Goal 6, Initiative 6.3, supports talent pipelines and professional growth through partnerships and compensation programs like the Teacher Incentive and Opportunity Culture. These efforts have shown measurable progress in staff retention, student outcomes, and campus accountability, reinforcing MISD's commitment to continuous improvement and leadership in education.
The next Strategic Plan Quarterly Update will take place in May.
The board heard an update on Board Goals 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 along with a presentation about Goal Progress Measures (GPM) 5.5 and 5.7. These GPMs are indicators of college, career, and military readiness.
MISD was pleased to report that it met four of its five Board Goals. Board goals focus on third grade reading and math, 4th-English II reading growth, 4th-Algebra I math growth, and College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR).
A report was given on Goal Progress Measures (GPM) 5.5 and 5.7. GPM 5.5. The percentage of students meeting TSI criteria in both reading and math, GPM 5.5 was exceeded, and rose from 25.2% in 2022 to 59.35% in 2023, surpassing the 30% target for that year. The goal is to reach 40%. For GPM 5.7, the four-year graduation rate aims to increase from 86.8% (Class of 2022) to 90.5% (Class of 2027) by 2028, with the Class of 2023 achieving 86.5%, slightly below the target of 87.5%. To support future progress, MISD has implemented a district-wide credit protection system, credit recovery programs, and a Flex program at Coleman High School. The district is projecting an 88% graduation rate for the Class of 2024.
In addition, next steps include increasing the number of 8th-10th grade students who take the PSAT this semester allowing for increased exposure to better prepare students to meet the TSI criteria in both the English and Math benchmarks on the SAT. In addition, 6th-12th grade English and Math teachers will receive continued training in how skills are assessed on the SAT/ACT/TSIA2 so they can better prepare students. A collaboration with Midland College is also in place to develop a study and assessment calendar for the TSIA2 to ensure students challenge this test after they have received the adequate amount and quality of classroom instruction and test preparation support.
Graduation rate action steps were also presented and include credit protection, credit recovery, the Flex Program at Coleman High School, the attendance Recovery Walk, a tracking system to help better respond to data.
The board voted to approve budget amendment #6, which contains cross-functional transfers of budgeted funds requested to be moved to better support the requestor's campus or department. This budget amendment does not revise any revenue accounts but is only to address budget owner's needs to reallocate their budgeted dollars to another function.
The board approved the academic calendar for the 2025-26 school year. Components of the calendar include 75,600 instructional minutes for students, 187 contract days for teachers, a calendar that ends by Memorial Day for students, and includes two bad weather days. A survey was distributed to MISD employees, students, parents and community members to obtain feedback. In total, 1,422 responses were collected, and the district recommended the calendar most preferred by survey respondents.
The approved calendar has a first day of school start date of August 19 for students and teachers returning on August 4.
The board voted to approve a rezoning of the attendance boundaries impacting junior feeder patterns for Bunche, South, and Henderson elementary schools and Goddard Junior High School. The goal of this change is to ensure balanced enrollment across the district and prepare for future growth. Parents can be assured their child is receiving a high-quality education in a safe and secure environment. All students currently zoned to San Jacinto Junior High School will remain zoned to that school.
The board voted to approve a collaboration between Angelo State University and MISD to enhance cybersecurity measures through the use of the Angelo State Regional Security Operations Center (RSOC). The proposed partnership aims to improve the district's ability to monitor, detect, and respond to cybersecurity threats while also providing educational resources in cybersecurity.
The board voted to postpone the discussion about hiring Jackson Walker, LLP. as the law firm to represent the school board. This attorney would represent the board only and would not serve as counsel for the district as a whole.
The board approved the intent to lease land owned by the district for mineral development located at Bowie Fine Arts Academy, San Jacinto Junior High, and the Agricultural Farm. Board policy requires the board to approve their intent to lease minerals prior to the district seeking proposals from interested parties. Next steps include issuing an RFP and a notice in the paper to run for three consecutive weeks. Once the district has reviewed all proposals, a recommendation will be brought to the board. Leasing minerals provides an additional revenue stream for the district and it is not subject to recapture.
The board discussed its participation in Lone Star Governance. Ultimately, no action was taken.
The board voted to extend the contract through 2030. The president and superintendent will finalize the details of the contract as approved in closed session.
The next regular monthly meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. February 25, in Room 101 at Midland ISD Central Office, located at 615 W. Missouri Ave.
Please remember that our meetings are streamed live and archived at You can view meeting agendas here.