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December Board Recap

December Board Recap



The meeting opened with pledges of allegiance led by Alamo Junior High students, Andrew Groves and Jessie Westphalen.



The board conducted a public hearing on the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) Report, which promotes transparency in school district finances. The 2023-24 FIRST Report, reflecting the 2022-23 fiscal year, highlighted Midland ISD's strong financial stewardship. The district earned a score of 96 and an "A" rating, signifying superior achievement.



The Board heard an update on the project progress of the School Bond that passed in November of 2023.


Highlights included:

Package 01 - Lone Star Trails Elementary:

Construction of Lone Star Trails Elementary is progressing steadily, with 28% of the project completed, and the school is on schedule to open in August 2025. Key updates include:

  • Ongoing installation of stud walls in the classroom areas.
  • Second-floor decking is currently being installed.
  • Delivery of metal stair framing to the site.
  • Drywall sheathing installation is underway on the north side.
  • Steel erection is now 60% complete.
  • Masonry walls in the kitchen are fully completed.


Package 02 - New Two High School Campuses:

Design development for the two new high school campuses is 75% complete, with project completion targeted for August 2028.

Package 03 - Elementary School Renovation Group A

The schematic design/scope is set for budget approval for Emerson, General Franks, Sam Houston, Lamar, Long, Parker, South, and IDEA Travis by the end of December 2024. The targeted completion for Group A is August 2026.

Package 04 - Middle School Renovation Group A

The Design Development Phase is currently undergoing final review. Completion of the Construction Document Phase is anticipated by March 2025, with the overall construction scheduled for completion in August 2026.

Package 05 - Middle School Renovation Group B

The Design Development Phase for Alamo Junior High is currently in progress, and the targeted construction completion is set for August 2026.

Package 06 - Elementary School Safety

Construction for the elementary school safety enhancements is 75% complete and is on track for completion in the spring of 2025. Camera installation has been finalized, and work on door access control systems is currently underway. Additionally, the districtwide radio repeater system is scheduled for completion by March/April 2025.

Package 07 - Midland Freshman Site Improvements

Construction and track installation at Midland Freshman are fully complete. Finalization of the lighting wiring by the electrical contractor is currently pending.

Package 08 - Elementary School Renovations Group B

MWM Architects were selected in September 2024 for the projects of Santa Rita, Bush, Scharbauer, and De Zavala elementary schools. Initial site visits and surveys are currently in progress, with the construction schedule yet to be determined.

Package 09- Middle School Renovations Group C

JSA Architects was selected in November 2024 for the projects of San Jacinto and Abell middle schools. Initial site visits and surveys are currently in progress, with the construction schedule yet to be determined.


Trustees reviewed a high-level overview of the budget process. Legal requirements pertaining to the annual budget and tax rate were presented along with a budget timeline for the 2025-26 fiscal year. Information about historical and projected enrollment was shown, along with historical property values.


Budget priorities include adopting a sustainable budget, providing salary increases for all district personnel, and developing a data-driven budget based on board goals, the Strategic Plan, and a comprehensive assessment.


Factors influencing the budget process were shown and include the 89th Legislative Session, enrollment and attendance, available federal funding, recruitment and retention, new facilities, inflation, increase in property values, and unfilled positions.


Next steps include the submission of campus and department budgets in February and a review of budgets to ensure all expenditures are in line with district goals and needs. In March, the second budget update will be presented to the Board of Trustees where the district will provide in-depth information about the budget development process and assumptions.



The Board of Trustees approved the three-year contract renewal with Third Future Schools as the 1882 partner that oversees Sam Houston Collegiate Preparatory Elementary.


After a comprehensive review of Sam Houston Collegiate Preparatory Elementary's performance, the renewal updates performance goals aligned with MISD Board Goals and includes achieving a "B" campus rating and exceeding district targets in several areas.


With academic outcomes as a top priority for the district, Sam Houston Collegiate Preparatory Elementary has shown strong performance with NWEA MAP scores consistently showing a year's growth or more in each area. Additionally, there is a focus on students achieving the “masters” level on STAAR Reading.


Since entering into a partnership with the district, the school has maintained strong financial health and provides unique benefits such as an extended calendar and before-and-after school programs that meet the needs of MISD families. In addition, the recommendation to renew the contract comes based on high parental satisfaction and a substantial waitlist, noting the high demand for the school.


Sam Houston offers a valuable choice for the Midland community, and the district looks forward to continuing its partnership with Third Future Schools.


The board approved Budget Amendment #5, addressing necessary adjustments to reallocate funds between functions for the General (199). Such amendments require board approval to ensure compliance with state regulations and proper financial management. This amendment pertains to cross function transfers only and does not affect the overall budget. Rather, this approval re-categorizes the funds for their intended purposes within organizations budgets.


The board voted to approve two new hires. We are excited to welcome the following to Team MISD!

The Board approved the hiring of Roy Garcia as the Chief of Human Capital. Roy Garcia brings nearly 30 years of educational experience beginning in 1992 as a teacher and coach. He taught junior high math for seven years and entered into administration in 2000 where he served in similar roles at the junior high and high school levels. His leadership includes serving as principal at the secondary level and as assistant superintendent for secondary schools. This blend of instructional expertise and leadership makes Mr. Garcia the ideal choice to guide the Human Capital team and support the development of the district.

The Board approved the hiring of Griselda Rosales as principal at Parker Elementary. Mrs. Rosales brings a proven focus on student achievement and instructional excellence to campus as an administrator. As a recognized leader and last year’s MISD Assistant Principal of the Year, she has successfully led teams and initiatives, inspiring educators toward shared goals. Her experience working alongside highly effective principals has equipped her with valuable strategies for continuous campus improvement. This combination of instructional expertise and leadership makes her the ideal choice to lead Parker and build on its academic successes.



The board discussed and did not approve the amendment of an existing contract for on-call services for electrical maintenance and supplies that will be rendered on an as-needed basis aimed to continually maintain and improve MISD facilities.


The next regular monthly meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. January 21, at the Bowie Fine Arts Academy auditorium, located at 805 Elk Ave. (Enter from "A" Street.)


Please remember that our meetings are streamed live and archived at You can view meeting agendas here.

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