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GoGuardian Beacon (Alert System-Admin Only)

GoGuardian Beacon Alert System


If you would like to take the 10 minute training course video. Click here.


GoGuardian Beacon is the staff alert system in regards to cyber-bullying and self-harm notifications. Alerts will now go directly to staff first, and will then have a link to view the alert and will also allow to record actions taken by a staff member. The system will alert the counselors  first and if the alert isn’t resolved by 30 minutes, it will email the next team member. The order of notification will be counselors, assistant principals, and then principals.  It will stop sending the email alert once a staff member has marked it as resolved.


When an alert occurs you will receive an email that will have a link to login to GoGuardian. This account is the same as your Google account and password. Once you login you will be able to see the alert.

What will an alert look like?


beacon alert 1

  1. Student Name: Name and email address of the student who generated the alert.
  2. Date: The date and time that the alert was generated.
  3. Frequency of Alerts: The total number of recent alerts that this student has generated.
  4. New Alert: New and unread alerts are distinguished by a dark outline and light blue highlighting.
  5. Actions Taken For This Alert: List of actions taken that have been recorded by counselors within the alert details page.
  6. Primary Guardian: Primary parent or guardian contact information. Open the alert for more contact info.
  7. Predicted Phase: Predicted phase is a description of online behavior as defined and predicted by Beacon.



How can I clear/take action on an alert?

There are three options for reviewing alerts:

beacon alert 2

Option 1: Click on the icon next to the predicted phase and select whether or not the predicted phase was correct.

Option 2: Toggle any actions taken which were related to this alert, including but not limited to, an in-person conversation, if a guardian was contacted, or if a response protocol was initiated.

 Option 3: Select a risk level for this specific alert


Note: Beacon users will still need to toggle all necessary "Actions Taken for This Alert" in order to properly resolve the alert. Toggling actions taken will also remove the blue outline around the alert card.

On that note, it is important to review the links provided for more information about Beacon. The Beacon Help Center also has a number of articles available for review including a 10 minute training video.