Digital Citizenship

MISD Teachers: 

Please choose an option and have your third-period or homeroom students complete the appropriate lessons/videos based on their grade level.  Then, please complete the online course in VectorSolutions.  Scroll down this page to see both options.

Why are we doing this? 

The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) helps ensure schools receiving discounted internet access through the E-rate program keep students safe online. To meet this requirement, MISD dedicates October to Digital Citizenship Month. During this month, teachers guide students on safe online practices. According to FCC and Erate requirements, school districts receiving Erate funds must "provide for educating minors about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and cyberbullying awareness and response."  Texas Education Code 28.002 states that each school district shall "incorporate instruction in digital citizenship into the district's curriculum, including information regarding the potential criminal consequences of cyberbullying." 

In order to educate students about safety online and cyberbullying, and to meet FCC and Erate requirements, all teachers will have students complete the appropriate lessons or show the appropriate grade level videos to their students. To reach every MISD student, each teacher should show these videos to their homeroom or third-period class.


We have provided two easy ways teachers can complete this requirement below! Option 1: or option 2: Common Sense Media Video Playlist

Option 1: Students can log in to through ClassLink and complete the Tech Quest lessons - already available by default in their accounts even if the teacher hasn’t assigned anything! If the teacher has assigned work, the student will need to go to classes and choose "Tech Quest." (Video tutorial and lessons by grade in column 1).

Option 2: Common Sense Media Playlists: Show your third-period or homeroom students the grade-appropriate video playlist. (Column 2).

Once students complete one option, teachers must finish an online course in VectorSolutions. Either option counts as competition! CIPA Compliance Lessons by Grade
& Tech Quest Video Tutorial for Teachers:
Pre-K - 2nd Grade Playlist
(3 videos: 8 minutes, 28 seconds)

3rd - 5th Grade Playlist
(3 videos: 6 minutes, 5 seconds)

6th - 8th Grade Playlist
(3 videos: 9 minutes, 33 seconds)

9th - 12th Grade Playlist
(3 videos: 10 minutes, 35 seconds)