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Driver's License

Verification of Enrollment (VOE)

Driver education and safety programs are administered by TDLR.  This changed in 2015 as a result of a change in programming from the Education Service Center for Region XIII and the Department of Public Safety. 

Driver License Attendance Verification (Secondary Grade Levels Only) For a student between the ages of 16 and 18 to obtain a driver license, written parental permission must be provided for the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to access the student’s attendance records and, in certain circumstances, for a school administrator to provide the student’s attendance information to DPS. A verification of enrollment (VOE) form may be obtained from the office, which the student will need to submit to DPS upon application for a driver license.  


Effective September 1, 2015, TDLR administratively transferred the provisions in §75.1005, and §75.1014, and codified them in TAC. 
TTC § 521.204 : Section 521.204: RESTRICTIONS ON MINOR 
The school may advise students and parents that do not meet these requirements that they may qualify for a hardship driver license. Interested students and parents should contact the DPS for additional information.