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World Languages

Vision & Beliefs

The Midland ISD World Languages Department is committed to inspire all students to become life-long language learners. We celebrate and value the linguistic and cultural diversity within our community. By promoting multilingualism and multiculturalism, we create an inclusive environment that honors and respects all languages and cultures represented.

We believe that all students can acquire another language. Language learning is a fundamental component of education that prepares students to take their place as global citizens. 

Communication is the overarching goal of world language instruction. Students should be provided ample opportunities to engage in conversations, to present information to an audience, and to interpret culturally authentic materials in the language of study.  The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) identifies three modes of communication: interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational.  Texas Administrative Code Chapter 114. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Languages Other Than English, 2014.

In order to achieve our communicative goals, the Midland ISD World Language program is committed to the following core practices: 

  1. Target Language Instruction  
    Students and teachers speak, listen, read, write, view, and create in the target language 90% or more during classroom time by: creating communicative tasks, providing comprehensible input, student-to-student interactions, and providing culturally authentic resources.  

  2. Planning with Backward Design Model
    Instructors identify desired results THEN determine acceptable evidence THEN plan learning experiences and instruction. Always keep the desired performance outcome in mind.

  3. Teaching Vocabulary and Grammar in Context
    Vocabulary and grammar is introduced as it is needed to facilitate communication specific to the task. The emphasis is on students’ use of language rather than simple production from rote memorization and grammar drills.

  4. Designing Learning Experiences Across all Modes of Communication
    All learning objectives, tasks/activities, and assessments should all be communicative and designed around the modes of communication: interpretive “one-way,” reading or listening within appropriate cultural context and of culturally authentic materials, interpersonal “two-way,” engage in conversation direct oral or written,  and presentational “one-to many,” oral or written presentation to an audience.

  5. Using Performance & Proficiency-Based Assessments
    Integrated assessments using the four language skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking) based on learning targets. Authentic assessments based on real life relevant tasks that show what the students can do in the target language. 

Crista Jacobo Drake
World Languages Coordinator