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FitnessGram Assessment

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Senate Bill 530 requires that the FITNESSGRAM physical fitness assessment be administered to all students in grades 3-12. FITNESSGRAM is a health-related fitness assessment developed by The Cooper Institute for Aerobic Research and is a research-based criterion referenced test.

MISD considers FITNESSGRAM a quality assessment for three reasons:

1. FITNESSGRAM establishes a baseline of a healthy fitness zone from which students can set goals and check their progress (non-competitive) to plan for a lifelong physical activity and to maintain and improve their fitness level. Health-related fitness assessment measures students’ aerobic capacity, muscular strength/endurance, flexibility and body composition.

2. FITNESSGRAM provides recommended activity program options that will help students reach healthy fitness zones in those areas they need to improve.

3. FITNESSGRAM does not place an emphasis on skill or sports-related fitness such as speed measured by an individual’s 40-yard dash time. It does not compare students to other students.

FITNESSGRAM tests all students regardless of age, gender, or ability. Students are encouraged to be self-aware of health-related fitness and set personal fitness goals. When students focus on the process of doing their personal best, a more positive lifelong impact is achieved.

MISD believes a healthy student is better prepared to learn and perform in all aspects of life. 

The Texas Education Code (TEC) gives parents the right to request their child's physical fitness assessment results. If you have any questions about the FITNESSGRAM assessment or if you did not receive your child's results, please contact your child’s physical education teacher.

Information is also available at