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The Texas Legislature signed into law Senate Bill 1153. This law addresses education and support for struggling learners. The following is a summary of SB 1153:

Each school year, the district must notify a parent of each child, other than a child enrolled in a special education program who is receiving assistance from the district through intervention strategies.  Intervention Strategy is “a strategy in a multi-tiered system of supports that is above the level of intervention generally used in that system with all children.  The term includes response to intervention and other early intervening strategies.” (SB 1153).  The notification must:

  • Be provided when the child begins to receive the assistance for that school year
  • Be written in English or, to the extent practicable, the parent’s native language
  • Include:
    • A reasonable description of the intervention strategies used
    • Staff member name who is delivering support
    • How to contact the staff member
    • Updates on how the student is progressing using the intervention