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MISD RTI Framework

MTSS RtI Framework

The Midland ISD Multi-Tiered System of Supports framework is an early intervention approach that addresses potential challenges individual students may face that could affect their success in school and their potential to graduate prepared and ready for college, career or military readiness. Teachers or parents can nominate students for supports. Students having an 'unexpected' lack of performance compared to their peers after receiving effective tier 1 instruction will enter a process outlined in the Midland MTSS/RtI handbook below. 

The following are resources for implementing and crafting MTSS/RtI on the campus level:

Midland ISD Multi-Tiered System of Supports Handbook                                                                                            

The MISD RTI handbook provides all the resources, information, and guidelines regarding the district's MTSS/RtI framework.


MISD MTSS/RtI Flowchart 

Campus MTSS/RtI Teams should use this flowchart and tier descriptors as a framework to guide them in supporting and identifying MTSS/RtI students. Campus Intervention teams should continuously work toward improving systems and structures on campus to ensure the campus is systemically providing successful and progress-monitored interventions to students.
