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Secondary ELAR


Midland ISD Secondary English Language Arts Vision


Through systemic, explicit, and research-based instruction, students will gain the skills to become fluent, strong, capable readers, writers, and communicators. Midland ISD will provide literacy opportunities that empower all students to access information, express ideas verbally and in writing, think creatively and critically, and make informed decisions that shape the world around them. 



Midland ISD Secondary English Language Arts Beliefs 

1. We believe that reading and writing are reciprocal, recursive processes. 

Students should read and write daily in all grade levels and across all subjects. Reading comprehension is strengthened through the process of generating written responses to grade level texts. The writing process is a metacognitive experience that allows students to understand and demonstrate what they think and know. 

2. We believe in daily experiences with complex, grade-level texts. 

We believe students should be immersed in a language-rich environment. Students should have an opportunity to read and study authentic texts that are relevant and engaging. Students should have an opportunity to read and study multiple genres and text structures. These complex texts offer students opportunities to encounter new words, gain knowledge, and practice analytical thinking. By providing students with complex text, we will build confident and well-equipped readers. Building a love of reading is essential to each student in Midland ISD.

3. We believe that students deserve to grow their understanding of the world by growing their vocabulary and a network of knowledge. 

Students will be exposed to complex and engaging texts and will participate in rigorous conversations that will expand their understanding about the world we live in. These engaging texts enlighten students to scientific and historical concepts that will grow their knowledge coherence. By building knowledge and vocabulary systematically, students are able to have equitable opportunities to interact with the world around them.

4. We believe in supporting students’ text-based writing through explicit instruction.

Students will frequently engage in academic discourse to make inferences, establish connections, and increase their understanding of complex texts. Students will use discourse as a bridge to produce structured writing. Students will develop their writing by using the writing process, taking text-based and genre-based writing through brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. In text-based writing, students will cite text evidence that accurately supports their thinking throughout the instructional day. Students will be explicitly taught how to provide evidence, and will have ample opportunities to produce this kind of analytical thinking and writing. Students will be provided with frequent and specific feedback.


Jennifer Garcia

6 - 12 ELAR Coordinator