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Procedural Safeguards

                     What is meant by “Procedural Safeguards”
    Procedural Safeguards refers to the rights and privileges afforded to students with disabilities and their parents.
The school will give you a “ Notice of Procedural Safeguards, Rights of Parents of Students with Disabilities” at the time of initial referral, parental request for evaluation, the first occurrence of the filing of a complaint, and at your request.


Click the links below to see Procedural Safeguards materials.

Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para ver los materiales de salvaguardias procesales.

 Timeline Decision Tree Information from Region 18:

English Timeline

Spanish Timeline

English Version:

A Guide to Admission, Review & Dismissal (ARD) Process:

guide pic
  ARD Guide

A Notice of Procedural Safeguards:
Notice of Procedural Safeguards-English
Spanish Version/Versión Española:
Guia para el Proceso de Admision, Revision y Retiro:
Aviso Sobre Procedimientos de Proteccion: