This document explains the guidelines for obtaining permission to conduct research in the Midland Independent School District.
Note: If you intend to request Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Please ensure FERPA conditions are met:
The disclosure of PII from student education records must be for, or on behalf of, an educational agency or institution, in order to
a. Develop, validate, or administer predictive tests;
b. Administer student aid programs; or
c. Improve instruction.
All requests for conducting research within Midland Independent School District follow specific guidelines which were established for the following reasons:
• To protect the rights and privacy of students, parents/guardians, and staff
• To protect instructional time
• To promote continuous program improvement
• To add to the body of knowledge in the field of education
Guidelines for Obtaining Permission
Research in the Midland Independent School District is defined as any data collection from or about Midland Independent School District schools, students, parents, or staff. Research includes, but is not limited to, data collection for the purposes of fulfilling the requirements of a thesis or dissertation, publication in a journal or book and/or completion of an education class project.
The Midland Independent School District requires that researchers:
• receive permission to conduct research from the Research Evaluation and Assessment Department;
• give written assurance that individuals, schools, or the district are not identifiable in the final research study or report; and,
• give assurance that the project has no undue effect and does not interfere with the operation of schools in the school system.