Commendation and Complaint Filing Process
At Midland ISD, our Police Department is readily available to speak with any member of our community in regard to the performance of one of our staff members. Any person who has had an interaction with a member of the MISD Police Department can contact a department supervisor to give a commendation or file a complaint.
Compliment an MISD Police Department Employee
If an employee of the MISD Police Department has exceeded expectations and provided exceptional service, please utilize the contact information below and let us know about their great service. Please know that your comments can be utilized when determining future promotions, assignments or events.
Filing a Complaint Against an MISD Police Department Employee
Persons who wish to make a complaint should know the importance of filing a signed written complaint. Section 614.022 of The Texas Government Code states that all complaints to be considered by law enforcement officers must be in writing and signed by the person making the complaint. Any complainant can utilize the contact information below to receive a complaint affidavit. Please note that an anonymous complaint does not necessarily prevent an investigation from being initiated, but it does hamper the investigation of the complaint. The purpose of any investigation is to seek out all facts pertinent to the incident and to ascertain the truth.
At the culmination of the investigation there will be one of five possible outcomes regarding the allegation:
1. Exonerated - The alleged behavior in question was proper in regard to the requirements of applicable law and departmental policy.
2. Not Sustained - Insufficient evidence to either prove or disprove the allegation.
3. Sustained - The allegation is supported by sufficient evidence and/or acts of misconduct were discovered during the investigative process that were alleged in the complaint.
4. Unfounded - The allegation was determined to be without basis of fact.
5. Dismissed - The complaint was not investigated for administrative reasons, such as the removal of a complaint prior to or after the start of the investigative process.
At the conclusion of the investigation, the investigating supervisor will forward his/her findings to the Chief of Police for final disposition. The complainant and employee will then receive written notification regarding the investigation.
Filing a False Complaint
If a complainant deliberately gives false information that results in a departmental investigation, the information may be presented to the District Attorney's Office for a criminal review.
Midland ISD Complaint Form