Featured Libraries
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your role as the librarian at MHS?
I'm Brooke Reese and this is my first year at Midland High. I am in my third year as a Librarian. My main role at Midland High is technology, but also fostering a love of reading for our students.
What innovative tools or technology have you introduced to enhance the library experience for students and staff?
We have checked out our Merge Cubes for Life Skills. We have taught and created tutorials with iOrad. We have aided students in how to use TexQuest to study for TSI, SAT, ACT, and the ASVAB.
How does your library support academic success and college/career readiness for students?
Our library supports academic success and college/career readiness by having an OYB Post Grad corner with college flyers, but also hosting a college fair, plus college visits. Alongside our College Connection Advisor, we had 10 colleges with 22 tables total including college programs. We have had UTPB, Legacy Scholarship, and UNT come to do visits with many more to come as the year goes on. We have created tutorials for college websites to assist students in applying for colleges and FAFSA. We also hosted Military visits through the Economic classes in October.
What are some of the most popular books or resources among your students, and why do you think they resonate?
Any graphic novel/Manga is currently the hot ticket with our students. We can't keep enough new material on the shelves. We have a large group of girls who rotate between fantasy and romance, reading the entire series together. I can tell with the girls that they like to feel as if they are immersed in the stories they are reading. As for resources, our die cut machine is really popular for kids to cut out letters and shapes for their projects.
If you could invite any fictional character to hang out in your library for a day, who would it be and why?
The students and I would invite Katniss Everdeen to come to hang out with us in our library for the day. First of all, we've all read the books and loved them. Our girlies that are here so often would benefit from her strong character ability, will to never give up, and courage. They could use some of that! Also, she's just really cool ;)