Vaccine Preventable Illness Updates
MISD Letter to Parents, February 2019 (Español)
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Information About Measles
Frequently Asked Questions About Measles (CDC)
What is Midland ISD doing to help with prevention?
- Notified parents of the need to immunize students to make sure they are healthy and safe
- Campus nurses track immunization status for students.
- Good cough and cold hygiene taught to students
- Parents instructed to keep students home when students are sick
- Hard surfaces cleaned regularly with disinfectant
- MISD Health Services communicates regularly with the City of Midland Health Department on issues that affect our students and families.
Immunization Requirements for Students
In the event that a student who is not fully immunized is exposed to measles (or if we have a case on a campus), by Texas state law, that student must be excluded from school a minimum of 21 days, even if they are not showing any symptoms. This exclusion period starts over with any new exposure or confirmed case. Please make sure your students are fully immunized to keep them protected from the measles, and in school so they can be prepared for college and career.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email Midland ISD's Director of Health Services, Imo Jean Douglas, BSN, RN, CPN, NCSN, at, or contact your campus nurse.
- Q: What if my student has an exemption on file?
A: Students who are not fully immunized (or who cannot prove with a blood test that they are immune) for ANY reason must be excluded from school for a minimum of 21 days after the possible exposure to prevent spread of measles. This exclusion period starts over with each new exposure or identified case.
Top Things Parents Need to Know About Measles
MISD Letter to Parents, August 2019
Center for Disease Control (CDC) Information About Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
Fast Facts About Pertussis (CDC)
Things Parents Need to Know About Pertussis (CDC)
Frequently Asked Questions About Pertussis (CDC)
What is Midland ISD doing to help with prevention?
- MISD is notifying parents of students and staff members who may have been exposed
- MISD is reminding parents of the need to immunize students to make sure they are healthy and safe
- Campus nurses track immunization status for students
- Good cough and cold hygiene techniques are taught to students, along with good hand hygiene
- Parents instructed to keep students home when students are sick, and to contact health care providers with any symptoms of pertussis
- Hard surfaces cleaned regularly with disinfectant
- MISD Health Services communicates regularly with the City of Midland Health Department on issues that affect our students and families
Immunization Requirements for Students
Students who are diagnosed with pertussis will be excluded from school until they have been on antibiotics for a minimum of 5 days, and they must complete all antibiotic doses.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email Midland ISD's Director of Health Services, Imo Jean Douglas, BSN, RN, CPN, NCSN, at, or contact your campus nurse.
Q: What if my student has an exemption on file?
A: Students who are not fully immunized are at increased risk for pertussis. Immunization is the best way to prevent pertussis and other vaccine preventable illnesses. Please contact your health care provider to get information on how to best protect your student.