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Allergy Guidelines

Allergy Guidelines

Severe allergies that may cause life threatening reactions to food, medication, or insect bites should be discussed with your school nurse and campus staff.

Anaphylaxis is a severe, life-threatening reaction to food, medication, or insect bites. Anaphylactic shock is sudden and may be fatal. It is the goal of Midland ISD Health Services to keep all students healthy and safe while at school. The District, along with parents and students, has the shared responsibility of preventing anaphylaxis.


1. Notify teacher & school nurse of the student's allergy, including:

  • Triggers that cause severe allergic reactions
  • Whether student has ever had an anaphylactic reaction requiring Epinephrine injection
  • What symptoms the student experiences when they are exposed to the allergen

2. Provide the school nurse with all information needed to care for student, including:

3. Provide the school nurse with all medication needed to care for the student:

  • Epinephrine Injection
  • Inhaler (if prescribed)
  • Any other medication prescribed to help treat allergic reactions

    Pay special attention to expiration dates of medications & provide refills as needed

4. Work with the school nurse to create Individualized Healthcare Plan for student

5. Teach your child the following:

  • How to avoid allergens & prevent allergic reactions
  • Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis.
  • Age-appropriate details about their management plan, and how they can participate in staying healthy and safe


1. Review information provided about student allergies

2. Work with parent/caregiver to create an Allergy Action Plan for severe allergy management, including:

  • Documentation of allergen
  • Medication prescribed
  • Emergency protocol to be followed in the event of an exposure

3. Have emergency medication (prescribed by the healthcare provider and supplied by the parent/guardian) and Allergy Action Plan readily available for use as needed.

4. Train staff members as appropriate in the following:

  • Prevention of allergen exposure in schools
  • Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis
  • Emergency medication use

5.  Work with staff and family to keep student healthy and safe during field trips, off campus events, and during transportation to and from school


  1.  Do not trade food with others
  2.  Wear medical alert or identification
  3.  Be aware of their allergies and avoid ingesting allergen (do not eat anything with unknown ingredients or foods with known allergens)
  4.  Self-carry medication responsibly, if permitted
  5.  Notify an adult immediately if they ingest an allergen or experience symptoms of allergic reaction


Q. Is Midland ISD Nut Free?

A. Midland ISD is Allergy Aware. Research has shown that "Nut Free" schools do not protect students from anaphylaxis and allergen exposure.* With an Allergy Aware approach, Midland ISD educates staff to prevent allergic reactions and to to handle life threatening allergic reactions appropriately.

*Lisa M. Bartnikas, Michelle F. Huffaker, William J. Sheehan, Watcharoot Kanchongkittiphon, Carter R. Petty, Robert Leibowitz, Marissa Hauptman, Michael C. Young, Wanda Phipatanakul. "Impact of School Peanut-Free Policies on Epinephrine Administration." J Allergy Clin Immunol (in press). Published online: 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2017.01.040

Q. Does the cafeteria serve products that contain peanuts or tree nuts?

A. No peanut or tree nut containing foods are offered at elementary campuses. Secondary campus students may have the option to select pre-packaged items that contain nuts.  Please see                      Midland ISD Child Nutrition Services Webpage for information about cafeteria services. 

Q. What about school parties or events?

A. For any school event, do not provide items that have nuts or nut products. Consider non-food options for class parties, and talk with your classroom teacher to help keep all students healthy and          safe.

Q. If my student has a severe food allergy, may I provide a supply of alternate snacks for classroom use?

A. Yes, you may provide a supply of allergen-free snacks for your child to use, if you choose to do so. This is not required.

Q. Can I send items that contain nuts or tree nuts in my student's lunch if they do not have an allergy?

A. You may send these items in your student's lunch. Remember to instruct your student not to share or trade lunch items with other students.