Student/Parent Reunification
Standard Reunification Method
Student/Parent Reunification
In certain situations, such as weather events, power outages, or emergencies at school, parents may be required to pick up their students through a formalized reunification process. This process is designed to ensure a controlled, predictable, and safe release. Reunification may occur at a different location than the student's school, and the process may involve a controlled release for multiple students.
Parents will be notified via phone, text, or in some cases, students may send a text message with reunification instructions, such as: "The school has closed. Please pick me up at 3:25 at the main entrance. Bring your ID."
Parent/Guardian Expectations
When reunification is necessary, parents should bring identification to help streamline the process and be patient, as the procedure ensures the safety of the student and proper change of custody. If a parent cannot pick up their child, the student will only be released to emergency contacts listed in the student’s records.
Student Drivers
In some situations, student drivers may not be allowed to remove their vehicles from campus, and parents will be advised to pick up the student. In certain cases, high school students may be released independently.
Reunification Process
Students are asked to remain calm and avoid unnecessary texting to minimize network congestion. Parents will need to park in designated areas, check in at the reunification site, and fill out a reunification card with their student’s details. After verification, parents will be directed to the reunification area to receive their child.
ID and Check-In
Parents must present ID to confirm custody and complete the reunification card. If picking up multiple students, a separate card is needed for each. After check-in, the student will be brought to the reunification area, and parents may be invited into the building if further information is required.
Law Enforcement and Counseling
In some cases, law enforcement investigations or interviews may take place. If needed, parents may be asked to provide emergency or medical information.
For more information please review the Standard Reunification Protocol Posters from the ILoveYou Foundation below. English Spanish.