Committee Members
Dr. Stephanie Howard - Superintendent
Chief Scott McKown- MISD Police Chief
Ms. Jennifer Carpenter - Parent
Ms. Tami Anderson - Teacher
Ms. Lisa Cisneros - Elementary Principal
Ms. Lori Smith - Partnership Principal
Mr. Ben Villareal - Principal - MAP, Secondary Rep
Mr. Bryan Murry - School Board Representative
Lt. Leslie Alexander - MISD Police Lieutenant
Ms. Fatima Muniz - Chief Technology Officer
Dr. Michelle Cline - Principal- MSHS, Secondary Rep
Mr. Alan McGuire - Parent
Mr. Tim Allen - Emergency Management Coordinator – MISD
Mr. James Howard - Midland Fire Department
Mr. Nick Stone - Director of Facilities/ Structural Services
Mr. Justin Bunch - Emergency Management Coordinator – Midland County
Mr. Michael Booker - School Board Representative
Mr. Tommy Bishop - School Board President
Mr. Cortney Smith - Chief of Facilities and Operations
Mr. Robert Cedillo - Deputy Superintendent
Mrs. Melissa Horner - Executive Director of Student Services
Mrs. Shay Hillman -Director School Dept. of Health Services
Mrs. Heather Clark - Director School Mental Health
Captain Randy Eggleston - Midland County Sheriff's Office
Sgt. Michael Wilson - Midland Police Department Community Relations