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Bond Planning Committee

Bond Planning Committee

The Bond Planning Committee started as the Long-Range Planning Committee, and met 10 times from August 2021 to March 2022. Their work included researching growth perspectives and needs at all of our campuses. In April 2022, the Committee presented their preliminary findings to the Board of Trustees. A final report was presented in November 2022. In February 2023, an extended committee of more than 80 community members came together to vote on the next action that should be taken. 98% of the votes cast were in favor of creating a bond committee.

First page of the PDF file: FINAL_LRPC_Presentation_0725
FINAL_LRPC Presentation_0725

Midland ISD enrollment, in the Fall of 2022, was at 27,821. 
This is up 5.3% from the 2021-22 school year.


Higher interest rates are anticipated to impact the number of home sales in the coming year.



There are currently 10 active building subdivisions within the district with 7 future developments in the planning stages.


Groundwork is underway on roughly 1,200 lots across the district.



MISD enrollment is expected to reach over 30,500 students by 2027-28 and enrollment could be over 32,100 students by 2032-33.
