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Grow & Develop Staff


Grow & Develop Staff:
Our retention and recruitment practices promote professional growth that yields and rewards high-impact staff, improving student outcomes.



5.  Recruit & onboard highly-qualified staff that effectively serve all students and the broader community.

  1. Elevate our retention and recruitment tactics, along with our employer brand, to effectively captivate and secure high-quality staff.  

  2. Streamline hiring procedures to boost efficiency and hasten processes, focusing on the identification and removal of redundancies, minimizing process delays, and ensuring regulatory compliance. 

  3. Implement a consistent and clear onboarding process with professional development that aligns new hires with MISD's vision and policies. 

6. Develop and implement talent pipelines and professional learning for all staff with systems of support that cultivate continuous learning, staff recognition and incentives, enhance job satisfaction, promote staff retention, and foster a culture of growth, well-being, work-life balance and career progression.

  1. Develop creative scheduling that allows for greater teacher collaboration and meaningful professional development, while establishing metrics to measure and grant teachers earned autonomy in their personalized professional growth.  

  2. Establish succession planning pipelines to identify and prepare high-potential employees for future leadership roles, ensuring smooth transitions, minimizing disruptions, and promoting organizational continuity.  

  3. Implement a strategic staffing model that prioritizes high-impact teachers and principals, integrates compensation-based programs like the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA), fellows, and principal incentive allotment, and fosters professional growth through apprenticeship opportunities.  

7. Implement a streamlined onboarding process that enhances the integration of new employees, accelerates their proficiency in their roles, and fosters a strong sense of belonging and engagement within the organization.

  1. Develop a dedicated training and support program that equips staff with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively perform their roles and develop into future roles. 

  2. Implement a comprehensive performance feedback and mentoring program for instructional and non-instructional staff, including substitute teachers, to ensure ongoing professional development and support. 

Midland ISD Strategic Plan Scorecard- Grow and Develop Staff


Success Metric

Baseline Yearly Targets
2023 2024 Goal 2024 Actual 2025 Goal 2026 Goal 2027 Goal 2028 Goal
GDS Teacher fill rate 96% 97% 98% 98% 99% 99% 99%
GDS Bus Driver fill rate 87% 90% 100% 92% 95% 97% 98%
GDS Average number of days from recommendation to fully hired 10 9 9 8 7 6 5
GDS % of PLC teams that maintain level 3 or show one level of growth 93% 94% 98% 95% 96% 96% 96%