Education Acronyms
AAS | Advanced Academic Services |
AB | Adaptive Behavior |
ACT | Trademark* for ACT Assessment |
ADA | Average Daily Attendance |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
AEA | Alternative Education Accountability |
AEC | Alternative Education Center |
AEIS | Academic Excellence Indicator System |
AEP | Alternative Education Program |
AMAO | Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives |
AP | Advanced Placement |
APR | Annual Performance Report |
AR | At-Risk |
ARD | Admission, Review and Dismissal |
ARF | Accommodations Request Form |
ASCD | Association for Supervision |
AT | Assistive Technology |
ATPE | Association of Texas Professional Educators |
AVID | Advancement Via Individual Determination |
AYP | Adequate Yearly Progress |
BAC | Behavior Adjustment Class |
BE | Bilingual Education |
BMI | Body Mass Index |
BOY | Beginning of Year |
CAP | Corrective Action Plan |
CATS | Capital Area Testing Specialists |
CBA | Curriculum Based Assessment |
CCMR | College, Career, and Military Readiness |
CEEB | College Entrance Examination Board |
CI | Comparable Improvement |
CIP | Campus Improvement Plan |
CIS | Communities in Schools |
CISD | Consolidated Independent School District |
CIT | Campus Improvement Team |
CRC | College Readiness Classification |
CRS | College Readiness Standards |
CSR | Confidential Student Report |
CSV | Comma Separated Volume |
CTC | Campus Test Coordinator |
CTE | Career and Technical Education |
CTSO | Career and Technical Education Student Organization |
DAEP | Disciplinary Alternative Educational Program |
DAP | Distinguished Achievement Plan |
DATE | District Awards to Teachers of Excellence |
DEIC | District-wide Educational Improvement Council |
DIP | District Improvement Plan |
DMAC | Data Management for Assessment and Curriculum |
DOB | Date of Birth |
DRA | Developmental Reading Assessment |
DTC | District Test Coordinator |
EB | Emerging Bilingual |
ECHS | Early College High School |
ECI | Early Childhood Intervention |
ED | Economically Disadvantaged |
ED | Emotionally Disturbed |
EE | Early Elementary |
EGL | Enrolled Grade Level |
ELA | English Language Arts |
ELAR | English Language Arts and Reading |
ELL | English Language Learner |
EOC | End of Course (exam) |
EOY | End of Year |
ESC | Educational Service Center |
ESEA | Elementary and Secondary Education Act |
ESL | English as a Second Language |
FAFSA | Free Application for Federal Student Aid |
FERPA | Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act |
FG | Fitness Gram |
FIE | Full Individual Evaluation |
FIRST | Financial Accountability Rating System of Texas |
FMNV | Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value |
FSP | Foundation School Program |
FTE | Full-Time Equivalent |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
GED | Graduate Equivalency Degree |
GEEG | Governor's Educator Excellence Grant |
GPA | Gold Performance Acknowledgement |
GPA | Grade Point Average |
GPC | Grade Placement Committee |
GT | Gifted and Talented |
HAS | High School Allotment |
HERC | Higher Education Readiness Component |
HQ | Highly Qualified |
HR | Human Resources |
HSTW | High Schools That Work |
HTML | Hyper Text Markup Language |
HTTP | Hyper Text Transfer Protocol |
IAAT | Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test |
IB | International Baccalaureate |
IBC | Industry Based Certificate |
ID | Identification (number) |
IDEA | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act |
IDRA | Intercultural Development Research Association |
IEP | Individual Education Plan |
IES | Institute of Educational Sciences |
IGC | Individualized Graduation Committee |
ILD | Instructional Leadership Development |
IMS | Information Management System |
ISAM | Intervention Stage and Activities Manager |
ISD | Independent School District |
ISS | In School Suspension |
ISTE | International Society for Technology in Education |
IT | Instructional Technology |
ITBS | Iowa Test of Basic Skills |
JDC | Juvenile Detention Center |
JJAEP | Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program |
LAT | Linguistically Accommodated Testing |
LD | Learning Disabled |
LEA | Local Education Agency |
LEP | Limited English Proficient |
LMS | Learner Management System |
LPAC | Language Proficiency Assessment Committee |
LRE | Least Restrictive Environment |
MAP | Measure of Academic Progress |
MAT | Metropolitan Achievement Test |
MC | Midland College |
MMGW | Making Middle Grades Work |
MOY | Middle of Year |
NAEP | National Assessment of Educational Progress |
NASSP | National Association of Secondary School Principals |
NCES | National Center of Education Statistics |
NCLB | No Child Left Behind |
NCTM | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics |
NETS | National Educator Technology Standards |
NMSQT | National Merit Scholars Qualifying Test |
NOGA | Notice of Grant Award |
NWEA | Northwest Evaluation Association |
OA | Oral Administration |
ODS | On Data Suite |
OER | Open Ended Response |
OEYP | Optional Extended Year Program |
OLPT | Oral Language Proficiency Test |
OP | Observation Protocol |
OSS | Out of School Suspension |
PAS | Progress Assessment Series |
PBMAS | Performance-Based Monitoring and Analysis System |
PDAS | Professional Development and Appraisal System |
Portable Document File | |
PEG | Public Education Grant |
PEIMS | Public Education Information Management System |
PEM | Pearson Educational Measurement |
PGP | Personal Graduation Plan |
PLC | Professional Learning Community |
PMI | Performance Monitoring Intervention |
POS | Program of Study |
PR | Panel Recommendation |
PSAT | Practice Scholastic Aptitude Test |
PTA | Parent-Teacher Association |
PTO | Parent-Teacher Organization |
PTSO | Parent-Teacher-Student Organization |
RAM | Random Access Memory |
RDSD | Regional Day School for the Deaf |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RHSP | Recommended High School Plan |
RI | Required Improvement |
RO | Report Only |
ROM | Read Only Memory |
RPTE | Reading Proficiency Test in English |
RTC | Regional Test Coordinator |
SAT | Scholastic Aptitude Test |
SBDM | Site Based Decision-making |
SBEC | State Board for Educator Certification |
SBOE | State Board of Education |
SCE | State Compensatory Education |
SE | Student Expectation |
SE | Special Education |
SEA | State Education Agency |
SEAS | Special Education Automation System |
SEM | Standard Error of Measurement |
SI | Standard International (units of measure) |
SIOP | Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol |
SIP | School Improvement Planning |
SLP | School Leaver Provision |
SPEARS | Special Education Agile Reporting System |
SPP | State Performance Plan |
SQL | Standard Query Language |
SRC | School Report Card |
SREB | Southern Regional Education Board |
SRI | Scholastic Reading Inventory |
SSA | Special Small Analysis |
SSI | Student Success Initiative |
SSN | Social Security Number |
STAAR | State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness |
TAC | Texas Administrative Code |
TAG | Test Assessment Generator |
TAKS | Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills |
TAKS-A | Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills - Accommodated |
TAKS-Alt | Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills - Alternate |
TAKS-M | Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills - Modified |
TAP | Teacher Advancement Program |
TASA | Texas Association of School Administrators |
TASB | Texas Association of School Boards |
TASBO | Texas Association of School Business Officials |
TASSP | Texas Association of Secondary School Principals |
TAT | Technical Assistance Team |
TAV | Technical Assistance Visit |
TBSI | Texas Behavioral Support Initiative |
TCTA | Texas Classroom Teachers Association |
TEA | Texas Education Agency |
TEAL | Texas Education Agency Login |
TEASE | Texas Education Agency Secure Environment |
TEC | Texas Education Code |
TED | Texas Education Directory |
TEEG | Texas Educator Excellence Grant |
TEKS | Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills |
TELPAS | Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System |
TEPSA | Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Assessment |
TETN | Texas Educators Teleconference Network |
TGI | Texas Growth Index |
THEA | Texas Higher Education Act |
THECB | Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board |
TIF | Technology Infrastructure Fund |
TIF | Teacher Incentive Fund |
TIMSS | Trends in International Math and Science Study |
TMDS | Texas Math Diagnostic System |
TPRI | Texas Primary Reading Inventory |
TREX | Texas Records Exchange |
TSDS | Texas Student Data System |
TSI | Texas Success Initiative |
TSIA 2 | Texas Success Initiative Assessment (2) |
TSNAP | Texas Statewide Network of Assessment Professionals |
T-STEM | Texas Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (initiative) |
TTCC | Teacher Technology Competencies Certification |
TxPEP | Texas Principal Excellence Program |
TWEDS | Texas Web Enabled Data Standards |
TYC | Texas Youth Corrections |
UIL | University Interscholastic League |
URL | Universal Resource Locator |
USDE | United States Department of Education |
WADA | Weighted Average Daily Attendance |
WebCCAT | Web-based Comprehensive Curriculum Assessment Tool |
WELP | Waterford Early Learning Program |
YWLA | Young Womens Leading Academy |